Friday, May 6, 2011


Shiny metal bangles in every hue to match any ensemble in your wardrobe.
Jewel encrusted bangles. Some for as much as Rs.950!
Dressing up was never so much fun.
Patterned and plain.
A steal at Rs.30/dozen, a girl can never have enough.


  1. I love the glass bangles! I will never forget having a dozen or so shoved expertly onto my arm in the blink of an eyel on my first market wander in Varanasi 23 years ago...

  2. The tinkling of glass bangles is also pretty, these are metal ones Ann, so they don't break and bangle sellers sure have a special skill of squeezing your hand and getting the delicate bangles onto your arm.
    I think I'll have to go back and get a dozen or two of these shiny bangles but which colours to choose? So many pretty colours.

